EDUC8PEOPLE is a series of workshops and lectures that 8lidí organises both for the general public and for the internal needs of the group. The seminars and meetings often concern fields related to theatre, such as new media, sociology, psychology, history, anthropology, and other disciplines.
EDUC8PEOPLE arises from a desire to learn together and meet inspiring people outside our group, as well as a need to care for the inner health and dynamism of the group.
EDUC8PEOPLE meetings are either public or private. The public events serve to generate encounters and open discussions, while the private events are mostly intended for the internal needs of the group.
You can read the texts created as part of EDUC8PEOPLE in the 8lidí Notebook.

The series of EDUC8PEOPLE in 2021/22, which focused on the relationship between the Czech Republic and the Near East and the arms business, continues with further lectures in the Autumn of 2022.
The lecture series is part of the creative process of a theatrical project titled Our Weapons – a collaboration between the 8lidí theatre group and artist Jiří Žák. The project focuses on the past and present of the Czech arms industry. It follows the history of Czech weaponry as a means for creating diplomatic relations, particularly regarding export to the Middle East, especially Syria. Through the performative possibilities of theatre, the artists will explore the influence of the Czech Republic, a small, semi-peripheral state in the middle of Europe, on military conflicts in today’s world.
The lectures are organised in collaboration with the Display Gallery and with the financial support of Prague City Hall.